Drexxell's Arkham Horror(TM) Page
First created 6/26/1999.
Last updated 06/09/2005
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Arkham Horror
(board game of cosmic horror set in 1920's New England)
Arkham Horror is a fascinating game for both the H.P. Lovecraft fan, as well as for those folks who have never heard of him. When it was first published, back in the 1980's, I grabbed a copy immediately, and really enjoyed it. It went out of print after only a few years, and has never been brought back, unfortunately. Expansions!!
Due to its small, but intense, following, I designed two expansions for Arkham Horror called "Escape to Dunwich" and "Strange Outer Worlds". I play-tested these expansion at Gen Con for 4 straight years. Each year, the reviews were very favorable. In 1994, I submitted the expansions to both Chaosium and Pagan Publishing. Both have shelved the expansion, due to no plans for ever re-printing Arkham Horror itself. As such, I am distributing my expansions for free here on my webpage. Below you will find two complete expansions to Arkham Horror(TM), and as a bonus, I've also put a totally new "Arkham Gazette" (playtested at Gen Con 1994) which can be substituted for the one in Arkham Horror(TM) to make for a whole new game!Arkham Horror(TM) is the Trademark of Chaosium Inc., and is used with their permission. Chaosium Inc. is the Registered Trademark of Chaosium Inc. Click here to reach Chaosium's web page.
Will we ever see Arkham Horror re-printed?
Early in 2002, Chaosium announced that 2003 will see a re-print of Arkham Horror in celebration of the game's 15th anniversary. As such, and at the recommendation of Chaosium staff, I have re-submitted the expansions (below) to Chaosium for consideration of publication with the re-release of Arkham Horror. They were re-submitted early August 2002, but with (obviously) no promises from Chaosium staff about their potential use in the upcoming re-release. However, even if these expansions are not published, they will continue to be provided on this web page.
Well 2003 came and went, as did 2004 and Arkham Horror didn't make it into re-print. However, in the June 9, 2005 R'lyeh Report: "By the end of the month, you should also be able to pre-order a copy of the new Arkham Horror!". Let's hope this announcement holds true!!
(Expansion to Arkham Horror(TM))
Escape To Dunwich is an expansion for the game Arkham Horror(TM). It was designed in 1991 by me, play tested at Gen Con from 1991 to 1994, submitted for publication to both Chaosium and Pagan Publishing, and rejected by both. In order to use Escape to Dunwich, you will need to download the files below: Escape to Dunwich Game Board (AutoCAD 11) Rules for "Escape to Dunwich" (Word97) Addendum to "About Your Investigator" (Word97) The "Dunwich Gazette" (Word97) Dunwich Gate Appearance Table and Optional Rules (Word97) New Cards and chits (Word97)
If you cannot print out an AutoCAD 11 drawing file, and still wish to play this expansion, click here for instructions on hand-drawing your own board. : I have finally converted the board for Escape to Dunwich into JPEG format! To use it, do the following:
- Download the 4 JPG files below
- Print them in LANDSCAPE mode filling the WHOLE PAGE of 8.5" x 11" paper
- Cut and tape them together for your own Escape To Dunwich Game Board!
Upper Left (e2d_ul.jpg) Upper Right (e2d_ur.jpg) Lower Left (e2d_ll.jpg) Lower Right (e2d_lr.jpg)
(Expansion to Arkham Horror(TM))
Strange Outer Worlds is an expansion for the game Arkham Horror(TM). It was designed in 1991 by me, play tested at Gen Con from 1991 to 1994, submitted for publication to both Chaosium and Pagan Publishing, and rejected by both. In order to use Strange Outer Worlds, you will need to download the files below: Strange Outer Worlds Game Board (AutoCAD 11) Rules for "Strange Outer Worlds" (Word97) Addendum to "About Your Investigator" (Word97) The "Strange Outer Worlds Gazette" (Word97) New Cards and chits (Word97)
If you cannot print out an AutoCAD 11 drawing file, and still wish to play this expansion, click here for instructions on hand-drawing your own board. : I have finally converted the board for Strange Outer Worlds into JPEG format! To use it, do the following:
- Download the 2 JPG files below
- Print them in PORTRAIT mode filling the WHOLE PAGE of 8.5" x 11" paper
- Cut and tape them together for your own Strange Outer Worlds Game Board!
Left (sow_l.jpg) Right (sow_r.jpg)
(Alternate rules for Arkham Horror(TM))
This alternate version of the Arkham Gazette can be used in place of the original Arkham Gazette in the Arkham Horror(TM) game. This version was playtested at Gen Con 1994 and was a big success. Simply refer to this version of the Gazette rather than the original for an entirely new twist on Arkham Horror(TM). Download it here: Alternate Arkham Gazette (Word97)