The Draw-your-own Escape To Dunwich Board Page

Using the simple node diagram below, you can draw your own
"Escape To Dunwich" game board.  Each number (1-66) represents
a square on the board (one "street" location).   Numbers with
no description represent blank street locations.  

 /                        \
|              |                   /
20             35--36--37     43-42    62-63
|                       \    /        /     \
21-22-23-24-25-26-27-33-34-38-44-60-61      64
|      |       /   \          |       \     /
49     27    31    32         47       66-65
|      |     |       \       /
50     28-29-30      45-46-48
|                        |

2 = Entrance to Druid's Grove
4 = Entrance to Pyramid Mountain  
6 = Entrance to Snake Pond
7 = One of the three "Cave" spaces in Dunwich
8 = Entrance to Wizard's Hill
10 = Entrance to Abbot's Lookout
14 = Entrance to Sentinel Hill
18 = Entrance to Devil's Hopyard
20 = Entrance to Curtis Whateley's
25 = Entrance to Cold Spring Glen
28 = Entrance to Earl Sawyer's
35 = Entrance to Wylbur Whateley's
36 = Entrance to Zebulon Whateley's
37 = Entrance to Seth Bishop's
38 = Entrance to Osborne's General Store
40 = Entrance to the Ruins of the Old Mill
42 = Entrance to Lost Boy Swamp
45 = Entrance to Squire Sawyer Whateley's
47 = Entrance to Carter Jackson's
49 = Entrance to Zecharia Whateley's
51 = Entrance to Psychic
53 = Entrance to Doctor
55 = One of the three "Cave" space in Dunwich
56 = Entrance to Sam Hutchin's
59 = Entrance to Mother Bishop's
63 = Entrance to Indian Hill
64 = One of the three "Cave" spaces in Dunwich
66 = Entrance to Harsen's Swamp