The Red/White "Dreadnought Doom" deck
Last updated April 29, 2001
"The triggered ability (see Rule A.8) does not check the creature's power until the ability resolves. If the creature is not in play when the ability resolves, it does zero damage. For example, if a White Knight comes into play while Crusade is in play, it will do 3 damage. [WotC Rules Team 07/01/98] This means that if a creature like Phyrexian Dreadnought comes into play which can bury itself as a "comes into play" ability, the order of resolution of the triggered abilities matters. See the Series (Rule T.9) timing rules for how to figure this out. Since the current player plays both the Pandemonium and Dreadnought ability, they can choose which resolves first. Pandemonium only deals damage if its ability resolves first. If the Dreadnought's ability resolves first, Pandemonium will not find the creature and will deal zero damage. [D'Angelo 07/17/98] The triggered ability (see Rule A.8) is played and controlled by the player who controlled the creature at the time the creature came into play. [WotC Rules Team 07/01/98] See Rule A.8.11."So the basic idea is to pound the opponent with low-cost, high-power creatures. Phrexian Dreadnought is the first and best example of such a card. The 2nd choice is Ball Lightning. With the Angelic Renewal card, you double your damage, and in the case of the Dreadnought, basically do 24 points of damage for 1 colorless mana. Here's the deck:
8 Mountain 4 Pandemonium 4 Phrexian Dreadnought 8 Plains 4 Angelic Renewal 4 Healing Salve 4 Disenchant 4 Ball Lightning 4 Energy BoltStrategy