Drexxell's 3rd Edition Dungeons and Dragons Skills Page
Last updated 08/05/2016.
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Complete Set of Skill Tables for All 2-class Multi-class characters
When I first read the rules about skills for multi-class characters, I had
some confusion. When Sage Advice sought to clear it up (Dragon #274), it was
only somewhat alleviated. However, a careful reading of both the PHB and
Dragon #274 can tell you that there are 2 important things to know about
Multi-class skills:
- How ranks are bought with skill points (Answer: They are bought with the
same sp/rank ratio of the class you just went increased in level)
- Your max ranks
- Answer:
- Character Level +3 if the skill is a class skill in one, and not denied to the other
- (Character Level +3 )/2 if the skill is cross class in both
- Class A Level + 3 if the skill is class skill in class A and denied to Class B
- Class B Level + 3 if the skill is class skill in class B and denied to Class A
Click below to bring up any combination and just print it out and use it!!
abbreviations I've used are:
- Ego = Psion (Egoist)
- Nom = Psion (Nomad)
- Sav = Psion (Savant)
- Shp = Psion (Shaper)
- See = Psion (Seer)
- Tlp = Psion (Telepath)
- Psw = Psychic Warrior